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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 28, Issue 5, pp. 1597-1999

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A Numerical Study of the Probe Method

Klaus Erhard and Roland Potthast

pp. 1597-1612

Benefits of IEEE-754 Features in Modern Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolvers

Osni A. Marques, E. Jason Riedy, and Christof Vömel

pp. 1613-1633

A Cache-Aware Algorithm for PDEs on Hierarchical Data Structures Based on Space-Filling Curves

Frank Günther, Miriam Mehl, Markus Pögl, and Christoph Zenger

pp. 1634-1650

Recycling Krylov Subspaces for Sequences of Linear Systems

Michael L. Parks, Eric de Sturler, Greg Mackey, Duane D. Johnson, and Spandan Maiti

pp. 1651-1674

On Mass-Conserving Least-Squares Methods

J. J. Heys, E. Lee, T. A. Manteuffel, and S. F. Mccormick

pp. 1675-1693

A Variational Approach to Modeling and Simulation of Grain Growth

David Kinderlehrer, Irene Livshits, and Shlomo Ta'asan

pp. 1694-1715

A Pseudospectral Fictitious Point Method for High Order Initial-Boundary Value Problems

Bengt Fornberg

pp. 1716-1729

A High-Order Accurate Parallel Solver for Maxwell's Equations on Overlapping Grids

William D. Henshaw

pp. 1730-1765

An Unstaggered, High-Resolution Constrained Transport Method for Magnetohydrodynamic Flows

James A. Rossmanith

pp. 1766-1797

A Rational Spectral Collocation Method with Adaptively Transformed Chebyshev Grid Points

T. W. Tee and Lloyd N. Trefethen

pp. 1798-1811

Efficient Computation of Isometry-Invariant Distances Between Surfaces

Alexander M. Bronstein, Michael M. Bronstein, and Ron Kimmel

pp. 1812-1836

Extensions of Priest's Double-Precision Summation

Yves Nievergelt

pp. 1837-1850

Wavelet Filtering for Exact Controllability of the Wave Equation

M. Negreanu, A.-M. Matache, and C. Schwab

pp. 1851-1885

A Parallel Implementation of Dual-Primal FETI Methods for Three-Dimensional Linear Elasticity Using a Transformation of Basis

Axel Klawonn and Oliver Rheinbach

pp. 1886-1906

Parallel Guaranteed Quality Delaunay Uniform Mesh Refinement

Andrey N. Chernikov and Nikos P. Chrisochoides

pp. 1907-1926

Behavior of Finite Volume Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Adaptive Redistributed Spatial Grids

Ch. Arvanitis and A. I. Delis

pp. 1927-1956

Segmentation with Depth: A Level Set Approach

Wei Zhu, Tony Chan, and Selim Esedoglu

pp. 1957-1973

On the Acoustic Single Layer Potential: Stabilization and Fourier Analysis

A. Buffa and S. Sauter

pp. 1974-1999